July Tuesday Training

5 Jul 2020 by Travis Hayden

Dear SFC Players & Families,
Hoping you are all doing well and enjoying the beginning of summer as we navigate through this ever changing and challenging time in our lives.

SFC is excited to announce with guidance from the state, US Youth Soccer and the Vermont Soccer Association regarding returning to play, inter-club training and small group play during the month of July and beginning of August. The 1 day a week sessions would include a technical session/warm-up followed by small-sided games. Here are the details:

When: Tuesdays
Dates: July 7, 14, 21 & Aug. 4
Time: 5-6:15 pm (U10 & U12), 6:30-8:00 pm (U14 & above)
Venue: Polo Fields

In keeping with COVID-19 safety guidelines we will ask the following from all those attending:
Upon arrival parents/players (16 & over) will be asked to sign in verifying that their child/they are symptom free of COVID-19. PLEASE WEAR A FACE COVERING WHEN DOING THIS.
Players are required to have their OWN ball and water bottle as well as wear shin guards.
Parents may remain at the facility to watch but only from either their car or in a place where they adhere to proper social distancing.
Players may to wear at face covering if they choose but it will not be required.
Hand sanitizer will be available at check-in & participants are encouraged to use it prior to starting their session.
If you, your child or someone in your family is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you do not attend the session.
At the completion of the session players/parents are asked to depart as soon as possible in order to decrease the number of people in attendance at one time.
In the case of inclement weather we will make a decision on cancellation via email 1 hour prior to the first session of the evening. There will be no make-up sessions.
We have an exciting opportunity to get back playing the game we all love and miss and hope you will make time to join us.


Polo fields Rutland VT

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